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and experimental research was carried out to evaluate the aerodynamic
characteristics of flying vehicles "Ekip". The results of
the research permitted to optimize the design parameters of "EKIP"
vehicle and its basic systems.
Research and tests of different types of vortex systems ensuring steady
airflow around the vehicle body under all flying conditions, including
takeoff and landing. The works were carried out on specially created
test stands at experimental and test centers of Nil "Geodezia",
TSNIIMASH and Rocket-Space Center "Energia". The results
of tests permitted to optimize the geometry and gas-dynamic data of
vortex system control of boundary airflow on the stern surface of
the vehicle. The ground and flight tests of large-scale prototype
model RUM L1 confirmed the reliability of vortex system operation
and its low power consumption.
Experimental research of air cushion takeoff-and landing gear was
carried out on models using the wind tunnel and towing basin of TSAGI
Moscow Branch and on test stands of Nil "Geodesia" and Kazan
Aviation Institute.
The results of research permitted to optimize the design parameters
of air cushion takeoff-and-landing gear. Water tests of air cushion
landing gear were performed on a large-scale radio control model RUM
12 in Nil "Geodesia".
The automatic control flying vehicle AULA L2-3 was designed and developed
on the basis of test results. This flying vehicle mounts all the systems
which will be mounted on flying vehicles "EKIP".
Such systems include:
- two turboject flat nozzle engines equipped with thrust vector control
- control system of boundary airflow on stern surface (vortex system);
- air cushion takeoff-and-landing gear;
- flight automatic control system in all flight modes, including takeoff
and landing;
- six-channel radio adjustment system;
- a measurement system providing control of air data and operating
parameters of all vehicle systems;
- system of data accumulation and transmission to ground station.
The automatic control flying vehicle AULA L2-3 is ground tested and
prepared for flight tests.
Full-scale automatic control flying vehicles EKIP L2-1 and EKIP L2-2
were designed and created for development of structural elements of
all systems and respective manufacturing processes. These flying vehicles
were designed and manufactured at the Rocket Space Center "Energia".
The vehicles were assembled at Saratov Aviation
After ground and flight tests of automatic control flying vehicle
AULA L2-3 the ZAO "AC EKIP" will proceed with design and
engineering works performed for multi-purpose flying vehicles "EKIP"
of various load-carrying capacity. |